
Q: I had a dream right after the azaan for Fajr. I was in a place where my family around the world where together, I knew it wasn't home, but I had a room. I knew it was a family reunion, I saw a lot of women, I met some more. I remember different parts of the dream: We were in a car, it was parked and turned off, we were waiting for the family to get in the car, I was having a nice time. My husband was in the drivers seat, I was next to him. There was a cousin in the back seat. All of the sudden I saw in my dream that me and my husband had intercourse in the car, we forgot about the guy in the back seat, after we finished I remembered about the cousin. I never knew if he was still in the car or not, meaning if it was in private or not. Then I saw 3 passports, I knew who they were from. I only remember 2 of the names. Nagla and Issa (my cousins). Then I was going to take some of my aunts to eat to a restaurant, I was getting ready, I opened a drawer I saw a golden thick bracelet which was supposed to be mine, I grabbed it then I decided to leave it in the same place, so I closed the drawer and I left. After that I saw an uncle giving me ideas for a business, meanwhile I knew my 3 little kids boarded an airplane which was near by, and while I was listening to this uncle I knew my kids were in danger, I knew the airplane was falling, I started to look in the sky, to look for the airplane while I was feeling, I knew it was falling in circles, I imagined the airplane in my dreams, a white with blue airplane in the light blue sky, I knew about it although I was looking for it and never found it. I knew in my dream that it fell down to the garden or the floor. We where in a place with lots of gardens. Then I received a call from my sister in law telling me that my kids are fine and not to worry. She told me "Your kids are fine, don't worry". All of the sudden my oldest son came to me, he seemed in shock from what happened and glad he saw me. My little daughter came to me too with the same expression, and right after I saw my second son I woke up, so I couldn't see my 2nd son in my dream. I woke up Alhamdulillah and prayed fajr. Please let me know what it means.

A: The meaning of the dream is that Allah Ta'ala will bless you and your family with unity and security. However this will be obtained through following the mubaarak Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) in all facets of life and refraining from sin. Daily conduct ta`leem in the home of Fazaa'il-e-A`maal and Fazaa'il-e-Sadaqaat with some Qur'aan Shareef tilaawat.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
