Marital problems

Q: I have emailed you before regarding my marital life; in-laws and such. I have recently been having more problems with my sister in laws. They laugh and slander what I say. Backbite, make a mockery of my kids and myself behind our backs. Act fake with me to keep me happy. I have told my husband about this but he's not interested. He is not bothered to speak to his sisters it even explain to his mum what's been going on. I live 3/4 hours away from my parents and family. I have no one here to help me. What can I do? I feel suffocated, I don't like my children seeing me upset especially as they are still so young and ask me why I'm crying. I miss my parents and family a lot but If I tell them about my problems they will feel hurt and sad. Please make dua for us that everything gets easy. As I'm in a mix cultured marriage I find it very difficult. So difficult because of the way the family is, how I do all I can for each member of my husbands family but my sister in laws mother in law find it a joke. I sometimes feel my marriage only works because of my two kids. Other wise i would have gone back to my parents house 4 years ago. How do I make my husband understand how I feel? I made a sacrifice by marrying him and he doesn't want to know or care the problems I am facing. How I feel hurt but I can't show how I feel to him. He's always busy on his phone texting his friends. That seems to matter more than family..even his parents and his own family he is not bothered about. I'm living a life I find so hard as I come from a joint family background.

A: Just ignore your in-laws and continue with your life, and be with Allah and you will be able to breathe properly.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
