
Q: I have a question regarding istikahara namaas. I did this namaas for 5 days and the first 3 days I got a dream and the other days I did not, the reason I had done this namaas as I want to marry a guy who is not the same culture as me. He is Turkish and I'm Pakistani. We both Muslim but before I tell my family about him I wanted to seek guidance from Allah whether this marriage would be good or not in the future. My first dream I had seen me and him sitting near a table and my mum is feeding me food I also seen my older brother having a gun on him and shooting our local imams daughter and she had died and my brother was about to kill me but I took the gun off him and shot myself. It was a scary dream.

My second dream I can't remember but my 3rd dream I had seen a green traffic light and I woke up that's it. Please can you tell me what this means and if I need to do the namaas again or not I'm really confused please help me.

A: In the issue of nikaah, Islam encourages a woman to consult her parents. She should seek their guidance and advice before embarking upon anything. She should not act independently as this will lead to problems and difficulties coming about in her life.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
