
Q: Three years ago my dad did istakhara for a business, then he saw a dream in which he couldn't find his car in a parking lot. So we did not buy the store. Now, three years later, my dad did istakhara again for the same store and saw a dream in which he wanted to buy something from a store, but he could not find the store. My mom did istakhara for the same business and saw a dream in which she wanted to cook something for some guests at her house. She opened a small freezer, then she opened a big freezer. The big freezer was unusually long, extremely big, and full of beef. Then she picked up an abnormally long piece of beef and held it in her hand. She thought this was tender meat. Everything related to the business we are interested in looks good. Yet, we are worried because of these dreams. Please help us.

A: The dream is positive. Hence if you feel positive and everything seems to be in order, you may go ahead.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
