
Impurity on the bedsheet

Q: My question is that if I am sitting on my bed with my blanket on side touching me and if I pre ejaculated in my underpants and it gets more than 2.76 cms (a dirham coin) then will my bedsheets and blanket becomes impure if I stay in bed for an hour or so before bathing?

Passing wind

Q: I wanted to ask if one passed gas but feels as if some stool might have almost passed and touched the underwear what should one do? I have started to ignore these thoughts and now normally don't pay attention to these doubts. But today while I was in my mum's room I felt as if stool might have touched my underwear while passing gas. But I didn't do much and layer in her bed and passed gas some more. But then the thoughts started to make me uncomfortable so I got up and just as I was about to leave the room is passed gas again - this time bigger one. I went to check my underwear for wetness or stain. I ran my hands on error the underwear but found nothing the first couple of times but then I felt some wetness (not dripping consistency, it was very very light). Now I'm not sure if this was my waswasa making me believe that there is something or if it was actually there. I was wearing black underwear so it was difficult to be sure. But then I shed some light onto the part where I felt wetness and I saw that the area was a bit darker. But then again, because it was silk it normally leaves a mark when I sit for long, like a dent. No stool but it could have been moisture after gas. But what I don't understand is that why I didn't feel this wetness before? I changed my clothes. I was also wearing dark colored tights. They were also silk. Now my mum was furious because she thought I must have made her bed napak too. I'm. Not sure if the wetness transferred onto the bed as it was too little. I'm not even sure if the moisture (if it was real and not just my imagination) was released when I passed gas in bed or while I was standing. I think it must be while I was standing since it was a bigger and more open wind I had released. When I came down I wasn't sure what to do so I just came and layed in her bed again without cleaning the area or the blanket. I had taken shower but dried myself too so I don't think the najasat (if on bed, would have dried out as I took at least 30 mins to come down) had transferred onto my new clothes which were dry as well. But my mum made me clean the area and now I'm not sure if my new clothes are also napak or not? Am I napak? Was the bed napak? Are my clothes napak. I did clean her bed and the blanket where I think najasat could have transferred as I'm not sure which areas were affected. Do I ignore these thoughts in this circumstance and the similar ones in the future too?

Washing impure clothes in the washing machine


1) If after washing impure clothes in a washing machine which takes just under 1 and a half hours but a couple of items of clothing still have washing powder residue/white marks on them then are all the clothes rendered pure or would I have to wash them all over again? The cycle has 5 rinse and spins.

2) Also please can you clarify the hanafi madhab regarding tiny impurity. When I use the toilet no matter how hard I try to safeguard myself from urine/toilet water splashes, it seems like very tiny dots of urine are splashing on my under thighs, possible 1 or 2 tiny splash and it is very difficult to wash the area in the toilet itself so this resorts in having a shower waist down every time and takes so much time. Because they are tiny, can they be classed as paak?

3) When having ghusl in shower and the private parts are washed with water and after I use soap on the area to wash it then can I simply wash it off with the shower head without using my hand? Will my ghusl be complete?

Touching an impure object

Q: If there is impurities on an object and I touch it with wet hands. I'm not sure if there was physical signs of it coming onto my hand and I touch a cloth with the same wet hands but you can't see the impurities on this cloth. Did the cloth get impure? If at a later stage my hands are clean and wet and I touch this same cloth but there are no traces/signs of the impurities on my hand, is my hand impure?

Wiping off impurity on a shoe

Q: A couple of years ago, I messed my sisters shoe with some impurities and I just wiped it off. She uses that shoe for wudhu. Now later in my life I'm regretting not telling her at the time/washing the impurities off. Since she puts her wet foot in the shoe, her foot will become dirty. She doesn't know anything about this. Are all her Salaahs accepted? Will I be responsible for all her Salaahs not being accepted and will I have to pay her for all those Salaahs in the Aakhira? I don't know whether she still uses that shoe. I'm very remorseful and worried about this. What should I do?

Wiping impurities on the floor

Q: I have messed impurities on the tiled floor a while ago and have not cleaned it correctly (just wiped it with a dry cloth). I'm very worried about the impurities now. What if somebody walked on it with a wet foot and spread it? Is their Salaah accepted? Will I be responsible for it? The house has a domestic helper that cleans the house. She uses a bucket of water and cloth to clean the floor by dipping the cloth in the water bucket every once in a while and wiping the floor around the house once. (The floor becomes very wet and is air dried). There are no visible traces of the impurities anymore. Since the domestic helper cleaned the house and floor, can I assume and conclude that the floor is clean? What should I do? Please please help me. I am extremely extremely stressed and worried. This issue is negatively affecting my life and affecting my performance in my exams