
Burying a non-muslim


1. If a non-muslim passes away and he does not have any relative to bury him besides one Muslim relative, will it be permissible for the Muslim relative to bury the non-muslim deceased? Further, if the Muslim relative does not have wealth to pay for the burial, can one assist him by giving him some wealth to fulfill this need?

2. After a non-muslim is buried, generally the family of the non-muslim feed those who attended the burial. During this meal, alcohol is served. Will it be permissible for the Muslim relative to honor this custom by hosting it or contributing to it in any way? Similarly, if it is permissible for other Muslims to assist the Muslim relative financially, can the money that they give him be used for this meal?

Burying an old frame

Q: I have a wall frame with Arabic surah written in it and it has gone really old it is beyond repair and can not give it to anyone if I do the other person will not hang it on a wall in his house. How can I dispose of the frame?

Burying hair

Q: Please tell me what Ii should do with my fallen hair which I have collected since 10 years. I am not throwing it out because I don't know where to throw it? If I throw it in the sea, won't it cause harm to the fish? Shall I bury it in a Muslim graveyard?

Burying Islamic literature

Q: With regards to Islamic literature, for example letters and leaflets that contain the name of Allah Ta'ala and the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), how are they to be disposed of? Is it correct to wipe away/erase those names and then dispose of the letters in the bin, or must they be burned?