Sayyid taking zakaat
Q: A father who is not allowed to accept zakaah (due to his lineage) but due to him being unemployed and barely getting by he accepted some zakaah hampers and money. Is the hampers that he accepted halaal upon his children?
Q: A father who is not allowed to accept zakaah (due to his lineage) but due to him being unemployed and barely getting by he accepted some zakaah hampers and money. Is the hampers that he accepted halaal upon his children?
Q: To which persons are we allowed to give zakaat to. How much money does the person need to have so that he is able to accept zakaat?
Q: Could interest and zakaat money be used to pay electricity account. We are poor and unable to pay our bills so we want to ask a bisinessman for intertest or zakaat.
Q: My sister and the former husband abandoned three kids and are now cared for by my parents. They have grown and are on the brink of their teenage years. My parents who have cared for them have now almost retired. I help where I can but is not always able to help fully. I have zakaah due to be paid in the coming month. My questions are:
1. Can I pay zakaah to my parents to cover for their (nieces and nephew) needs?
2. If so, can I give all my zakaah to them or only a portion.
Q: Can zakaat or sadaqah be paid to a Muslim woman who is 'married' to a Shia. She will undoubtedly spend part of the money on items for her husband and children.
Q: Can you please outline the most appropriate way of giving sadaqah as well as discharging zakaat? Will a monthly debit order through a reputable aid organisation be in order?
Q: A mother is trying to raise money in order to take her child for an operation abroad as she has a body stiffness condition. Is she allowed to take zakaat for this?
Q: Can I give my zakaat to pay school fees for some orphan children. These children are 8 years old and their father passed away.
1. Could zakaat be given to non-Muslims?
2. Could zakaat be given to Muslim and non-muslim pensioners?
3. Could zakaat be given to family members?
Q: Is it permissible to give zakat to a brother/ sister, in the following scenarios?
1. He lives in UK with wife and kids, he owns almost everything, yet has outstanding mortgage (with interest), can zakaat be given to him so he may
discharge that mortgage? Can zakaat also be given to him for other expenses whilst his mortgage still exists?
2. He does not have a house, is single, no job, has a car, receives benefits inside UK, owns a small piece of land overseas where he will eventually build
a house, and lives in his unmarried sister's house, he also has savings of £12000 in a bank, can zakat be given to him?
3. She lives overseas, is married with children, all over 18 years of age, the husband and 2 sons do work, but earn just enough to live comfortably,
they own their house, and have almost everything they need for example washing machine, tv, cooker etc. however they do not have savings etc. So
they are not obliged to give zakat themselves, can zakat be given to them? If yes, can zakat be given to them up until the point they themselves get in to
a position where zakat becomes payable by them?
4. Does the husband have to pay zakat for his wife's jewellery, where is claims she is the owner of it? Is the wife not obliged to pay it herself?