
Playing video games

Q: I have a question concerning video games. There is this certain video game in whilst playing the game (when attacking the enemy) the screen shows it from an aerial view so you cannot the any eyes or anything so it is not an animate object whereas to choose your character there are animate objects. I really want to play the game. Is it permissible to play this game?

Video game

Q: A non-Muslim had borrowed a haraam video game from me three years ago. He has now moved to another city. Do I need to make an effort to retrieve the video game from him in order to destroy it? Or is there another way around this?

Video games

Q: I have a question, when I am not doing my coursework or studying Islam, reciting Quran, surahs, doing nafl actions, I like to play video games a little and in these video games you have to shoot bad people. These games don't contain any nudity, excessive gore, witchcraft or anything haraam. Could you tell me if these are halaal?

Mobile games and music

Q: I have formed a company of programmers and developers to develop mobile games and applications. There are three sources of revenue:

1. Sell the game.

2. Make it free and gain revenue from advertisements in the applications and games.

3. Keep it partly free and partly under sale (in app purchases).

I have ensured that my apps and games will not contain anything vulgar or shameless. However, they will contain music. Is this permissible?