
Receiving rental from a house that was purchased with haraam money

Q: My grandparents won a lottery of 1 lakh rs around 20 years ago. They then added some amount to this lottery amount (around 35K rs) and purchased a home. Thereafter, one of my family members lived in that house. Presently that house is on rent and we receive a rent of around 10K rs per month. I came to know that lottery is haram. So what should be done now?

Buying a lottery ticket to help the poor

Q: There are many needy people in my area. I am helping them in whatever way I can with my hard-earned money. However, this is not enough as the needy people are too many. Can I buy a lottery ticket every month with the intention that if I get lucky enough to win, I will help them with the prize money? I won’t touch a single penny from that amount for my personal use.