Those situations where Talaaq takes place

Saying "It's done" while discussing talaaq

Q: My husband divorced me once over the phone but made ruju. Later on we had many fights. I asked him for divorce or to end the marriage and he said "ho gayi" meaning it's done, along with many other words that I don't remember. This was in person.

Then at another time after more fights, I asked him to end this and he said, "Samjho ho gayi or ho chuki" meaning consider it done. I wanted him to text me the word talaq but he said I'll send the papers in mail. I gave him the address because he asked. But he couldn't go through with it. Later on, he said since he didn't use the word divorce, it probably didn't occur. 

Divorce during pregnancy

Q: Is divorce during pregnancy halaal? If a husband thinks he cannot move on with his relationship with his wife, can he divorce his wife during pregnancy? Whether yes or no, in either case, please explain when will the iddat terminate.

Husband telling wife "Take your divorce"

Q: I married for the second time in 11.11.2016. Before marriage, I stayed together with her for one year. I wanted to make my relationship halaal but I did one mistake by not telling her that I was married with 2 kids.

After 3 months she got to know that I was married and she wanted a divorce. Now she wants a divorce and is not ready to live with me. Everyday she argues and fights with me.

So I told her to take divorce but she was not ready. Now what do I have to do. She is not easy to live with anymore and not ready to divorce. 

Issuing talaaq without having knowledge of talaaq


1- Without having any knowledge of divorce by giving divorce or demanding for divorce can divorce take place? God is ever forgiving.  If we ask for forgivness, will he forgive us or he will still punish us for that which we were not aware of?

2- If two divorce were given by using word "divorce" two times just to get out of house in fight. Will those two divorce count?

3- Can Allah forgive woman in haiz if she makes some stupid decision or ask for divorce from husband and husband says divorce word two times without having intention to give her divorce and she stops him (it means she didn't mean it) will that still count as divorce?

4- In haiz, women go through a lot of sentimental and emotional mood swings. If she demands for divorce will that be considered?

5- There has to be intention of giving divorce or divorce just takes place anyways?

I have heard that God is always forgiving. Ask him for forgivness if you make any mistake. Without having intention or any knowledge, he's kind and he will forgive. He won't be unfair with anyone. Does divorce mistake not count in this?

Divorce in a civil court

Q: I want to ask you a few questions before I make a decision about marrying a second wife. I am not satisfied with my marriage with my first wife. This is due to a lack of affection and neglect from my first wife. I have had this problem for 5 to 6 years now and I have tried to talk to my wife to resolve how I feel but nothing seems to better my situation, and I have now given up. I still care about my first wife and I still want to provide for her and our 3 children. I want to marry a second wife but I don't want to commit a sin. The UK law does not recognise a second wife. It is actually illegal in the UK to have a second wife, although it is fine to have a mistress. As I am aware that there is an Islamic ruling that I should abide by the law of the country that I reside in.

1. My question is, if I get permission from my first wife, and provided I fulfil both wives rights, will I be commiting a sin to have a second wife in the UK?

2. Does a divorce through the UK civil court break the Islamic nikah? (From my own research I have found that it does not break the Islamic nikah)

3. I have met a person from Morroco who has accepted to be my second wife, but to bring her to UK I have to first divorce my first wife through the UK civil court. Can I do this in order to bring my second wife into the UK? I do not want to break the nikah to my first wife. 

Being threatened to issue talaaq

Q: My wife took sexual pictures of me without my knowledge. It was haram in a way that my private was exposed without my knowledge. One day we had an argument and she showed me the pictures and threatened me to talaq her. If not, she will expose the pictures on social media. I was shocked and asked her to delete the pictures but I was also afraid if she saved it somewhere on her phone. She did not want to delete the pictures and threatened me to talaq her. I was afraid and scared she will upload haram pictures of me that will not allow me to face my family and humanity. I told her her I talaq you, does it count as a valid talaq?