Watching a movie that contains shirk and kufr?
Q: Is it shirk or kufr to watch and enjoy a movie that shows shirk and kufr?
Q: Is it shirk or kufr to watch and enjoy a movie that shows shirk and kufr?
Q: Is watching a movie shirk?
Q: Evil thoughts starts coming when I watch movies, so I stopped watching it, but is it shirk if I I watch because the thoughts are still coming. Like if I watch again it will be like I am letting shaithaan make me do sin and shirk, but that's not my thought. So is it shirk if I watch a movie with this mindset?
Q: I have waswasa problem. Recently I gots doubts when watching an animation movie. I felt like I wish I could have life like this in the movie and friends like this. Is thinking like this shirk?
Q: Please what is the Islamic ruling with regards to watching films?