
Verification of a Hadith

Q: I recently heard a hadith that the infants and the people to whom the mesage was not sent will be tested on the last day with the commands of a messenger who will tell them to enter hell. People who will enter hell will be successful. But there is another hadith that infants will not enter jannah without taking their parents with them and they will enter jannah. Don't these two hadiths contradict? Is the first hadith authentic? If not what will happen to people whom the message is not reached in this world?

Verification of a Hadith

Q: Is this authentic, please give reference?

One day Rasulullah ﷺ asked Jibreal عليه السلام, "Have you ever travelled at full speed?" Jibreal عليه السلام said, "Yes, on four occasions." Rasulullah ﷺ asked, "What were the four occasions?" Jibreal عليه السلام said, "First time was when Ibrāheem عليه السلام was placed in Nimrud's fire. At the time I was near the Arsh-Throne. Allāh ordered me to cool the fire. I left the Arsh and descended seven heavens in time. 

Second time was when Ibrāheem عليه السلام was about to sacrifice his son Ishmael عليه السلام in Mina. Allāh ordered me to replace his son with a lamb, before Ibrāheem عليه السلام struck with his knife.

Third time was when, the brothers of Yusuf عليه السلام threw him into the well. Allāh ordered me to save Yusuf عليه السلام, I rushed and placed my wing underneath Yusuf عليه السلام before he reached the bottom of the well.

And the final time was when you, Ya Rasulallah ﷺ, injured your tooth at the battle of Uhud. Allāh Ta'ala ordered me to stop your blood reaching the ground, otherwise no plant or tree would grow, till the end of the world. Hearing this, I rushed and saved your blood with my wings."

Authentication of a Hadith

Q: Kindly inform me if the following is authentic : In a Hadith Qudsi, Allah Almighty says: O son of Adam, do not fear those who have authority over you as long as My authority is enduring, and My authority never runs out. O son of Adam, do not be afraid of a tight livelihood when My treasuries are full and My treasuries never run out. O son of Adam, do not ask anybody else except Me and I am yours, and when you ask Me you find Me; but if you ignore Me, I will turn away from you, and you will miss the whole good. O son of Adam, I have created you to worship Me, not to play, and I ensured your sustenance so that you do not torment yourself (by worrying about it — let the physical parts of your body work but your heart and mind be in peace by putting your trust in God). I swear in My Power and Might, if you’re satisfied with what I apportioned for you, I will give your mind and body peace, but if you will not be satisfied with what I apportioned for you, I swear in My Power and Might, I will make you run after the world like the beasts run in the wild, then you will have nothing except what I had apportioned to you, and you have been disgraced. O son of Adam, the creation of the seven heavens and the earth did not fatigue Me, will passing you a loaf of bread cause Me to tire. O son of Adam, I did not forget whoever disobeys Me; how will I forget whoever obeys Me, and I am a Merciful Lord, and I have power over all things? O son of Adam, do not ask Me the sustenance of tomorrow as I did not ask you the work of tomorrow. O son of Adam, I love you so it is My Right that you love Me.

Drinking from a bottle

Q: Did the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) say that if you drink from a bottle or a container, you will get poor. e.g. If I am the only one going to be drinking from a 2 liter bottle and no one is going to be drinking after me, is this a hadith?

Hadith verification

Q: I just wanted to know the actual hadith and the reference. They were both in regards to the ummah being forgiven.

1st Hadith more or less - our Beloved Master Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was travelling and near the outskirts of Madina made dua 3 times and fell into sujood 3 times - was informed each time 1/3 of the ummah was forgiven each time.

2nd Hadith, the Beloved Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was told He would be very pleased with how Allah Ta'ala will treat the ummah on that day.