
Protecting one's Imaani values

Q: I had a dream (around 4 or 5 am in the morning) in which I saw a couple of rats (resembled rats) at my brother's wedding. (He recently got married). Then again I saw a couple of rats at my aunts house which my younger brother caught and got rid of. Can you kindly explain this in the light of Islam. What message does it convey? Any suggestions regarding the same.


Q: My wife dreamt of her marhoom mother. The mother was very angry and did not want to speak to her. So my wife wants to know what must she do as this dream of her mother being so unhappy is troubling her. My wife reads Yaseen and Quran daily with Allahs Fadhal and gives charity on her deceased parents behalf. Please advise. May Allah reward you.

Dreaming of coconuts

Q: I saw two similar dreams picking up fruits from ground. First dream, I saw fruit I am not sure what kind of fruit it was, most likely coconuts. I saw myself picking the coconuts from the ground. I think it was in my garden and I think my mother was there too. Second dream I saw some days later, again I saw picking up fruit from the ground. This time I saw a vehicle (lorry) hit a tree then fruit fell on the ground then I went to pick them up. I can't recognise the fruits, I think they were coconuts but not sure. Please tell me what it means to see fruits and picking them from the ground in dreams.


Q: Last night I dreamt that I was on top of a high building with a peculiar looking white guy with blonde hair and he was behaving oddly. It was just me him and another person with me. Anyway I realised that this person was either a jinn or was possessed by a jinn through its/his behaviour. I then grabbed it and started reciting azaan and this jinn started screaming. I also remember being very afraid but trying not to show my fear. Does this mean anything?

Husband not coming to fetch the wife

Q: I am a Pakistani girl living in Bahrain. I got married in April and came back to Bahrain. I am waiting for rukhsati but since I came back I have faced a lot of troubles regarding my wedding. My sisters some times ask to finish this nikaah and more than that my brother wants to finish it off and they don't have any reason. I am very tensed everyday. Only these things go on in my mind, but about one to two weeks ago I saw a dream that I was in a bridal dress and was waiting for baraat but the baraat didn't arrive. In the dream I called my husband, he said I am coming but he didn't come. In another dream on the same night I saw a dream that again I was the bride and waiting for baraat but it didn't arrive. Then again last night I saw that there was a small wedding in the house and this time my husband was also there with me and it was our wedding and suddenly he got to some where and again I tried on calling him, he said coming coming but didn't come. All 3 dreams were same that the ending didn't take place. Please tell me what does it mean?

Reciting the Qur'an and making ta'leem at home

Q: I saw a dream around 6:30 am. I saw my house is very dark. I was standing in the kitchen when I felt like some strange creature walked down the staircase. I ignored it as it was completely dark around. The very next moment I saw my sister studying and me and my mom were sitting on the couch. At the same time I saw the same strange creature coming out of my sister's body. My mom took hold of my hand and said, did you see that strange thing coming out. I replied, yes I don't know what it is. That creature's face was that of my sister from whom it came out, it had her long hair open on her sides. The creature was completely transparent. You could see through. We felt like it will get into any of us but that thing walked straight towards the door. My mom shouted, grab it! I ran after that thing. That creature kept on running till the end of the street. It looked back and threw a stone towards me. I stepped back then again began running after it. After reaching the end of the street, it turned back and gave me an angry look and then went away. Please tell me the meaning of this dream.

Seeing one's deceased father in a dream

Q: Two days ago I saw a dream in which I had seen that many spirits (murda) are running here and there between me and my father but the thing is I had only seen my fathers face and i recognised that it was my fathers face for sure till the neck but my father was looking like when our cough is stuck in our throat and we make a rough face and even it took him a second to vanish.