
Utterances of kufr

Q: If a muslim attributes to himself an other religion by saying, for example, "I am a Jews" or "I am a Christian" or "the christian are better than muslim in aqida". Does such a person become a kafir even if he uttered the statement jokingly and even if he did not know that it is kufr to say such a thing?

Cursing Allah Ta'ala (Naudhubillah)

Q: I should not be saying this but it is bothering me. When something bad happens to me I lose my temper and say very very bad things about Allah Ta'ala like he is not merciful, he is cruel, and I also curse Allah (Naudhubillah). Do I become a Kafir on saying this? Are all my good deeds wasted by saying this? If I don't become a kafir, can I repent for these sayings?

Uttering a word of kufr without understanding it's meaning

Q: If a word/sentence does constitute Kufr and a person says that but he does not understand its meaning, or does not intend its meaning, or out of ignorance, or by mistake does that make him a Kafir? Similarly, if doing something constitutes Kufr and a person does that out of ignorance, or by mistake does this make him a Kafir? I read this on the web: "...if an ignorant individual states a word and does not know that this word is Kufr, according to some scholars he will not be Kafir because he will be excused for not knowing. Some scholars had said they will be Kafir..." 

And this:

" ...some scholars do not even excuse the mistaken individual who does not know the word he uttered or action he did indicates Kufr and makes Takfir. Especially the Mawarau'n-Nahr (Samarqand and Bukhara) Ulama from the Hanafi Madhhab have held the topic very tight and do not accept ignorance to be an excuse almost in every matter..."

And this:

" Aliyyu'l-Qari states: “if the statements of a Muslim indicates Kufr from 99 angles and Islam from 1 angle he will not be made Takfir of based on %1” and continues to explain the matter of stating Kufr as a mistake. In another place he mentions things similar to the Qadihan Fatawa regarding the same matter. In that narration he states: “The individual who states Kufr without knowing (it is Kufr) will not be Kafir. However, if this matter is a matter of Din that necessarily must be known, then he will not be excused for ignorance, and will be made Takfir of." 

What is the majority view from all the madhabs in this issue, and which view should be acted upon?

Is the following statement sinful?

Q: My wife is pregnant Alhmadulillah. It's still the beginning of her pregnancy, but I try to buy the baby's things bit by bit to get good offers instead of buying everything last minute. My father told me not to buy so much yet and I answered something like "But at last minute one doesn't have all the money at one time". I know Rizq is from Allah and he could give me as much as he wants any time. What I meant is that I am planning on the grounds of what I have now (monthly). Is that statement and this approach sinful or even kufr? I regret saying it like that.

What are the consequences of a person bowing down to another person

Q: Kindly provide a response on the following: In today's times, with more and more people watching hindi movies, their ways are being practiced by Muslims. What are the consequences of a person bowing down to another person, like how the hindus do it - going down on their knees, with head bowed over (almost touching the ground) and touching the feet of the person? Does the Muslim person become a Mushrik? If yes, then does the nikah of that person break? How should such a person make towbah?

Waswasas of Kufr

Q: I suffer from a lot of waswas about kufr. So sometimes I utter the Shahada to calm my mind. Does this affect my Nikah? If I hadn't actually comitted kufr but uttered the Shahada out of fear I had comitted kufr, would I consequently have to renew my Nikah as well? Sorry if you find the question strange, but these kind of things are in my head.