Taubah and Repentance

Hearing someone's conversation

Q: My question is, what happens when you hear someone's conversation while having bad thoughts but then you realise during the conversation that you were not supposed to hear it and immediately divert your attention? Do you get the sin even though you diverted your attention right away or do not get it due to you not remembering that specific commandment of Allah Ta'ala?

Repenting to Allah Ta'ala

Q: Me and my wife had an argument. My wife started to pray that May Allah Ta'ala not accept my good deeds, may I not enter Jannat and may jahanum be Wajib on me. She also prayed that may my good deeds done in the past not be accepted. She was saying she is oppressed and Allah Ta'ala listens to the oppressor. I also started to pray that may she not enter Jannah and go to Jahanum and may her fast, Salaah, studying not be accepted. I fear now if one of our Duas gets accepted. We realized our mistake and asked for forgiveness from one another. We also asked for forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala. My question is that do we have to do any kufarah. I fear that what if Allah Ta'ala accepts her prayer as we do not know the hour of acceptance.

Repenting from sins

Q: I am 19 years old. I always try my best to avoid sins and Almighty Allah saved me every time from sins especially from zina. There's a married girl in our flat who asked me many time for zina but Alhamdulillah each and every time I refused. One day, I don't know what happened to me, I just walked to her door, entered the house. Here, we hugged and kissed each other and did nothing else. We didn't take off our clothes. While kissing, suddenly I realized that we are doing wrong. I just pulled her away and walked back to my house. Now, I'm feeling extremely shameful of my actions. I want to commit suicide but I can't do this. I want to make Tawbah. I want to become virtuous again. How can I make tawbah and become virtuous?

Repenting from listening to peoples conversations

Q: I have done some sins that are in regard to the creation, mostly listening to peoples conversations while having bad thoughts by accident. There is no way that I can find all these people because of the way it happened. Will I be getting cursed while reading the Quran even after making tawbah as of now? (I have intention to do something about finding these people) Can you also tell me the best course of action when people start talking around you?


Q: If a person commits a few major sins, does he have to make salaatut tawbah for all in two rakaats or separate rakaats?


Q: I have a question regarding the hereafter. I currently know that I made mistakes in my past where I've eavesdropped and seen in other people's houses in the past. I don't ever intend to do it again but I have no idea on how to contact all the people that I have done this to. (It's impossible for me to find some random people). How can I resolve this issue and does Allah forgive major sins on the day of qiyamah and can he forgive my sin on that day when it comes to doing wrong to others like my self. I have a bad feeling that I'm going to get punished indefinitely and I all I want to do is resolve this issue.

Making Towbah

Q: I am in a lot of trouble. My son was 21 years old. He is unmarried and he did a big mistake with a foreign girl. My son did sex for the first time. It is a big gunnah. Please give me a solution to have forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala.



  1. How do you make repentance?
  2. hat do you say to Allah when you repent? Say this will be enough? "Allah for give all of my sins"?
  3. Do you need to raise your hands like do in dua?

Repenting for one's sins

Q: For repentance you need to feel guilty about the sin you committed. I don't feel guilty in my heart, can I verbally say that I feel guilty about the sin, would that be enough? I can say verbally "I regret doing the sin, I shouldn't have done the sin" would that be enough?