
Leaving out sins because of fear of people

Q: Is committing sin and not having fear of Allah but having fear of people or to follow our desires considered to be shirk? Kindly answer all 3 different scenarios.

1. If we commit sins like listening to music, giving bribes or consuming riba secretly when we donate and have people watch us because we fear for our reputation, will it be considered shirk?

2. If we commit all such sins due to our weakness for money or for our love of listening to music yet we know that it is wrong because shariah does not permit these sins, will it be considered shirk because we are following our desires over following the commands of Allah Ta'ala.

3. If we stop consuming riba because government disallows it not because Allah has forbidden it, will it be considered shirk?

Playing a game that has shirk in it

Q: Is the one who is playing the following game committing shirk even if he is not pleased with the shirk part of the game and is not doing anything to intentionally make the character in the game to do shirk:

You are playing as a character who sometime says ‘Jesus’ or ‘for christ sake’, but you are not making him directly say it (he says it because of some other actions you did in the game). Also that character respawns after being killed.

Is there a difference if the volume is turned off but the character is still moving his mouth?

Believing that one is speaking to the souls of the Auliyaa

Q: If a person claims to be in contact with the souls of Auliyaa Allah whom he can call to help and solve the problems of people. One day, if a person having who has marital problems has gone to that person to solve his problems so that he can lead a good married life. The first person claims that he can call the soul of a high Auliyaa Allah who can speak in 5 different languages and when he would enter his body and start conversing, the other person may start talking in any of the 5 languages and ask whatever question he wants to get any answer from the unseen.

The second person started believing the first person and when he went to the person, he started reciting a few duas to call the soul and after sometime, the person no longer knows what's happening and his eyes are closed and starts talking as if another person is talking. He claims to be Imaam Hussain (radhiyallahu anhu), the grandson of the Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) who was made shaheed in karbala. He asked to the person what does he want to know. The person started talking directly to the "soul" about his problems and also asked him to make dua that he becomes rich one day. The soul said to him you will surely become but do you promise that you will give charity your whole life when you become same. He said yes. The person having the soul put his hand on the second person's forehead and started reciting dua and afterwards the soul vanished and the person regained consciousness. The second person started believing that he actually got opportunity to speak to soul of Imam Hussain (radhiyallahu anhu) and he also made dua.

Later when he asked some scholars, he came to know that there was no soul who could enter that person's body and in reality it was a Jinn who was lying. Has the person committed an act of kufr who has gone to seek help from that person and is it compulsory for him to renew his nikaah after he renewed his Imaan?

Slaughtering an animal for a Jinn

Q: I was reading about those who slaughter an animal for the Jinn. I read that if the slaughtered animal is dedicated to a Jinn or Shaitaan, this will be an act of major Shirk (associating partners with Allah Ta'ala).

I have heard the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah mention, “There is scholarly consensus that it is not permissible to prostrate to anyone or anything besides Allah Ta'ala. However, without the intention of worship, then this is not outright disbelief (kufr).”

My question is that in the first case, where they slaughter the animal for the Jinn, if someone who did this claimed that it was not shirk because it’s like the example mentioned about prostration, then how would you respond to them?

Is backbiting shirk?

Q: Does backbiting mean its shirk and after judgement we cannot go to paradise even after Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)'s intercession?

If I backbited and do not go to the person because of feeling shy, how can I tell this person? Can we do tauba so that Allah knows that we tried our best not to backbite? Can this be forgiven?.