
Making dua for one's father to change his bad habits

Q: My question is related to the relation of mine with my father as it is getting worse day by day. I am 22 years old. We belong to a middle class family and about 4 years ago we bought internet connection. My father is 56 years old now and when we bought the internet connection I was 18 and my father was 52. One day I saw my father watching porn on the internet and for me it was so heart breaking that I got shocked with the kind of mentality my father has. For some time I stayed silent that he might change his habits and for that I gave him some signals that I am aware of what he is doing when alone and at that time my sisters age was 12 years. I was more concerned that she might see him doing all this stuff and just few days later I saw my father was busy watching porn while my sister was standing behind him. On that particular day I broke my silence and told my mom about the whole incident. She talked to him and my father rejected my allegations upon him. This thing continued for about one year and he was losing his respect in my eyes. Last year we connected our tv set to cable and now he just watches tv, some movies and songs with bad dance. I dont like this also but I am silent as it is somehow better than what he was used to do. What I want to say is that he is stubborn and I do not respect him the same way like I used to or you can say that he has lost his respect. Our tv set is in front of my bed and I dont want him to sit on my bed when I am around, not because I do not respect him but because he used to sit in front of tv every time when he is free and for hours and I want my space on my bed because our house is small.

My question is that what should I do according to Islam and can I respect him or change him? Also, he has the habit of talking in loud voice and we hardly talk to eachother daily as my other relatives talk to their fathers.

Lying to one's father

Q: When I was about 11 or 12, my father lost his job. I was very sad but then he got a job in another country. I was very happy to go to my country again after 4 years of war so I woke up one day and told my uncle that I dreamt that dad got the job but I didn't really dream it. I was very stupid so he went for the job and stayed living alone for 4 years and now I regret it. I didn't know how life goes and now I feel very bad but at the same time I feel very shy to go up to him and tell him that I lied to you 4 years ago, like he's my father so I don't know what to do.

Paying zakaat on behalf of one's deceased father


1. I want to ask about the obligatory charity (zakat). There are some things which I want to know about rules of zakat. First of all I want to know rules about paying zakat on inherited wealth. My father died and the money in his account was given to me after 7 months. My father died in 8th month of Islamic calender. He used to give zakat in Ramadan. Maybe the time was complete for giving zakat ( i do not know for sure) but he died before that. So the question is that was I supposed to pay on his behalf or not. If not then when should i pay zakat. Should I calculate day from that one on which he died or the one which i received money from bank 7 months later.

2. Also the money in bank is of two kinds. One is that which me and my father saved. The other is not ours. It is security deposit of the shop keeper and the person who lives at rent in our house. Some of the shop keepers have been here for 20 or 25 years. So am I supposed to pay zakat including the deposit or just the one we saved.

Responsibility of an illegitimate child

Q: I was 18 when I met my now husband...and I found out after I fell in love with him that he has a illigitimate child..he had no contact with her since birth and did not want to as the mother didn't want him to have any rifts over the child as she was to marry a man she cheated with on my husband in the past... For 16 years there was no contact and I married my husband on the grounds that this will never be a problem 1 day as I was never given a option to accept this with him or not... Furthermore for years he did not want this himself..

A few months ago after 16 years the child contacted het father and out of no where he wanted to have a relationship with her but his ex and child is not muslim and I could not bring myself to accept this...

Firstly the child isn't islam..2ndly I feel betrayed at the fact that I have to change my life for others mistakes of 16 years..my pious parents accepted this marriage on grounds that this would never come back like this...

I do feel bad as I told my husband...i cannot accept his estranged ex and child which isn't muslim in my life after so many years when now I want to start my own family and if he wants his child I have no choice but to divorce him as I cannot accept and fix a 16 year lost relationship of him and his daughter.. Am I wrong to not accept this?because I feel like I've been wronged by him and his false promise at the time of marriage..im scared Allah will punish me for stopping him and the child from having a relationship...

Please help