student loan

Avoiding paying interest

Q: While I was studying at university (in the UK) I regrettably took out a student loan due to my lack of deen at the time, now I have come to realise that this was totally impermissible and wish to make amends.

According to the terms of the loan, I do not need to repay the loan if I earn below £17,775 per annum. The loan will be written off if I do not earn above this threshold after 25 years. I can repay the loan (plus interest) and make taubah but I feel very uncomfortable with this. My other option, which I am fully prepared to undergo, is that I continue to earn below the threshold for the next 25 years. I want to know:

1. Whether it is permissible to deliberately earn less in order to avoid paying any interest?

2. Whether I should repay the loan (through voluntary payments) but not the interest?

3. Whether I should simply repay every thing and just make taubah thereafter?

Having expectations in people

Q: I'm a student from Pakistan and alhamdolelah I am a Muslim. My question is that I have taken a loan from a friend for studies and it is a huge amount for me being student and now my friend is using me and treating me like his slave. In the beginning he promised me that he will help me with my studies, that's why I took the loan from him but now he wants his money back and threatens me that he will defame me and disrespect me. I don't have much money to pay him back. Can I call is a test from Allah for me?

Taking out interest bearing student loans


1. What is the status of permissibility with regard to student loans? Here in Australia, we have the option of paying back all or some of the loan, but it has some form of interest (indexing) applied to it. These loans are usually taken out by university students.

2. What about those who have already taken out a loan and do not wish to pay back? The Australian law requires a re-payment of the loan incrementally in the form of income tax, which only becomes mandatory if and when the debtor is earning above a minimum yearly salary.

Student loans

Q: My question is interest. You may know within the UK that university fee is £9000 and to take student loans it includes interest, I understand the punishments of doing so but my parents don't if I do tell them they'll take it lightly. My parents have high aspirations for me to go to university and they are not able to fund me like not able to afford it but student loan with interest is haram is there no alternatives or is that it I can't go to university. Please could you provide me with advice. It would be really helpful. May Allah Ta'ala bless you all and accept all your duas ameen.

Taking a student loan

Q: I would like to know that my child needs to go college next year but I would not be able to put up with all the cost because I have other children which go to private Islamic school. So I need to pay for their fees so is it allowed to get a student loan for the college child?