
Reciting Qur'an to impress people

Q: Alhamdulillah and thanks to Allah for all his blessings amongst us. Alhamdulillah who favoured me over many other creations by blessing me with a melodious voice and gave me a wealthy life. My question is that once in my class at school our teacher told us that those who read the Qur'an with nice voices with the intention to please people and impress them with his voice is one of the people of hell and that actually shocked me and kept a "waswasa" in me whenever I'm reading Qur'an in front of the school or my class mates so I don't participate in such activities much anymore. What should I do because I totally doubt that my intention is pure.

Spending wealth on comforts

Q: If Allah Ta'ala has given us abundant wealth, is there anything wrong in using it for our own comforts? I mean to build nice furnished house, wear good clothes, have high quality food, visit tourist places etc, provided we also give out our wealth in charity? Or we should only live a simple life and give out greater part of our wealth in the path of Allah as Sahaba (Radiyallahu Anhum) used to do?