Vaginal discharge

Q: I have a problem of vaginal discharge. Whenever I put my finger inside to check It feels wet but I don't feel it without putting finger as its inside and sometimes I feel that the discharge coming out and sometimes its white discharge which leaves a stain in my dress. Am I ma'zoor in every state? And sometime blood comes out but as the discharge happens normally I cant distinguish between blood and discharge without seeing. In this case what should I do? If I see blood stain after performing my salaah?


Q: Can we consume the ingredient e904 known as shellac, which is a secretion of a bug. Some Ulama say that it is permissible just like how honey is a secretion from the bee and is permissible. Please give a satisfactory answer.

Intercourse during iddat

Q: My husband gave me one talaaq a week ago but now it just so happened that we had intercourse again. I want to know is the talaaq still valid and if we are still divorced because he said that sleeping together after the talaaq does not mean we are married again.

Consulting one's parents with regards to nikaah

Q: Please advise: I am a 25 year old female and feel that I am ready for marriage. My parents have been looking for a suitable spouse for me. So far I have had boys (who were suggested my family members/family friends) come home to propose but it did not go further because both I and my family felt that the boy and I were not compatible. An old friend (female) recently contacted me through Facebook and said that her cousin (who went to the same school as me -7 years ago) is ready for marriage and would like to contact my parents. I am aware of the fitna of social media and have been very careful about how I use it. I do not post any pictures of myself so I am certain that this is not the reason that her cousin would like to speak to my parents. Would you advise that I give this friend my parents' contact details? Or would it be better to turn down her request and wait for another proposal to be suggested by a family member?