Qadha Salaah

Q: Please confirm if the following way is correct or not? If one has a lot of Qada to complete, then one must perform them quickly. One may recite Subhaan-Allah (سبحان الله) 3 times instead of Sura Fateha only in the empty Rakaats (the third and fourth Rakaats in 4 Rakaat Fard (i.e.Zohr, Asr and Esha) or the third Rakaat in 3 Rakaat Salaah (Maghrib). There is no harm if one reads one Tasbeeh instead of three in the Ruku and Sojood. The Fard will be completed. One may read this Darood Shareef (Salawaat) اللهم صل على سيّدنا محمد و آله in Tashahud instead of the complete Darood-e-Ibraheem. In Witr, read رب اغفري once instead of the complete Du’a-e-Qonoot.

Husband and wife re-marrying after the iddah period

Q: Me and my husband are separated due to him saying talaak to me in anger. He has been trying to take me back since I came back to my family but they are against it. After a lot of explaining, they have now agreed but it has taken me three months meaning three menstrual cycles have been completed. Is my iddah period over? How should we go about it? Can we still get back together?

Urine incontinence in ihraam

Q: I'm going for Hajj this year Insha Allah. I have a problem of urine drops leaking after urinating and this problem can stay for over an hour after passing urine. This problem has also affected me to perform Salaah sometimes since I feel I'm always unclean. Since I have planned for hajj, I am worried how I will stay in ihraam for such a long time with this problem? I want my my hajj to be accepted and want it to be perfect. Please advise what should I do since I am very worried.


Q: Please clarify that the ludo game with coins as famous on mobile nowadays is permitted to play in Islam?

Paying income tax with interest money

Q: I live in India, and employed in a company. I get my salary in cheque which would be deposited to my 'saving account in the bank'. It generates interest after every two or three couple of months according to the norms. I pay income tax on my salary and if the interest that is generated reaches a particular amount then I have to pay tax on that also. My question is: Can I use that interest amount in exchange of the income tax I pay?