Pursuing a career in science

Q: I always wanted to acquire the knowledge of Deen and live my life in the service of Deen. Unfortunately, until now, I have not been able to pursue Deeni studies. Currently, I am 23 years old and I don’t think I can pursue full time Deeni studies right now. So I am thinking about pursuing study and research in material science with the aim of serving Islam through this knowledge, and also with the aim of discovering solutions for some of the problems which humanity faces as a whole nowadays like global warming, pollution, lack of clean drinking water, etc.

1. Many Ahaadith mention the virtue of acquiring Deeni knowledge. If I study science, will I also receive this virtue? Will I be rewarded by Allah  for studying science?

2. Should I abandon studying and earning a livelihood and instead spend my life in serving Deen?

Resizing rings

Q: Is resizing of rings or other jewellery permissible in Islam? If so, does one have to pay zakat based on the original weight of the jewellery or the new reduced weight?

How should one encourage someone to perform salaah?

Q: My question is for my dear brother. I would really appreciate if you could help me in this. My brother does not like to offer prayers at all. He has missed lots of jummah salaahs as well. Most of the time intentionally and few times because of some work... He is married Alhamdulillah. I've tried and put much effort to drag his attention towards deen or to atleast pray the 5 times prayer. I am really concerned about him. We lost our father when we were toddlers, so there is no one to guide him properly nor is he willing to go to the masjid. He helps people who are in need but when it comes to namaz (prayer) he has got loads of excuses to escape... Please pour in some suggestions or duas that can help us in putting his mind into namaz and fear of Allah.

Taking a second wife

Q: I want to do second marriage... I like one lady and I asked my wifes permission many times but failed... She behaves abnormally and said that she will leave home with the kids and will never contact me etc. I want to get married since i like this lady and want to contact her in halaal way but in these conditions, I am so depressed. I never want to lose my first wife and on the other hand, I also dont want to lose my love. Sometimes I think about secret nikah and not declare it but I dont know what to do.