Women wearing earrings that are not made of pure gold or silver
Q: Is it permissible to wear earrings that are not made of pure gold or silver?
Q: Is it permissible to wear earrings that are not made of pure gold or silver?
Q: Is it sunnah to renew the wudhu before sleeping or will the wudhu made previously suffice?
Q: Is applying kajal using a kajal pencil (on Fridays) still regarded as part of the Sunnah or does one have to apply it in its powder form?
Q: I invested 1 million dollars with my friend who is running a chicken business. Normally, what happens is that I invest my money and we specify that 200,000 from the profits will be mine and the rest will be his. Is this permissible or is this interest? Please also explain the basic laws of a partnership in Islam.
Q: As ladies we know that we are not allowed to wear imitation rings. Will the new tasbeeh ring fall under the same category?
Q: I am a female and I wear abaya and scarf but not the niqaab (face veil). I am trying my best to cover my body properly and have heard that the face veil is waajib, however, my question is, do I get sin if I do not wear the niqaab? I do however wear the appropriate attire besides covering my face.
Q: I made an intention that a certain portion of my annual bonus will be set aside for Sadaqah and Lillah. The money is not in a separate bank account but together with my savings. I have a spreadsheet of the amount what was spent and how much is still available for charity.
Do I need to include the amount into my Zakaat calculation, assuming that I have not discharged it as charity it for a lunar year? The intention is to still discharge the money as Sadaqah or Lillah.
Q: I am reading salaah alone and I am confident that I made a mistake and I know that I have to make sajdah sahwu but in the next rakaat I made another mistake. How do I make sajdah sahwu for the both mistakes?
Q: Is playing game that contain words like "magic damage" haraam to play?
Q: Is it permissible to play with a snake or keep a snake as a pet?