Giving zakaat to a person that one thought was eligible to accept zakaat

Q: I would like some advice on the following matter:

During this year's Ramadhaan, I distributed a portion of my zakaat to a person who was previously regarded as eligible for receiving zakaat. Today, I found out from a family member that after enquiring from their local Ulama, they found out that this person is no longer a recipient of zakaat.

Please advise whether the zakaat will be accepted or whether I have to distribute the sum of that amount again as Zakaat.

Under eye fillers for dark circles

Q: Is it permissible for me to get under eye fillers for my dark circles? The procedure involves getting hydroponic acid injected into your face to make genetic dark circles look less apparent not necessarily removed but lighter. I look older than I am and it is upsetting as my dark circles are quite apparent. A treatment like this would really help my skin.

Revoking a talaaq within the iddat period

Q: I am currently in iddat after my husband gave me 1 divorce (19/05/22).

He is messaging me that he wants a ruju but the Mufti Saheb I spoke to from our sharia council said that a ruju will not take place like this and I should just continue observing my iddat.

I feel that the Mufti Saheb knows our matters in detail hence this is why he prefers for me to just complete the iddat period.

I just want to know whether I should continue my iddat or just stop as my husband has said that he wants ruju over a text message?