In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) due to medical reasons

Q: A woman has been having recurring miscarriages. She has had 4 miscarriages in 9 years. Between the first 2 miscarriages and the last 2 miscarriages she gave birth to a child who has been diagnosed with a genetic disorder which manifests as global developmental disorder.

After several consultations with gynaecologists, fertility specialists and genetic specialists, it has been determined that there are two highly likely reasons for the recurring miscarriages.
1. The shape of the womb which can be surgically corrected.
2. Genetic disorders which spontaneously occur when the embryo is formed (Both parents are not carrying any defective gene or any translocations).

The fact that she already has a child with a genetic disorder, there is a possibility of future children being born with a genetic disorder and/or miscarriages to recur.

She has been advised to pursue IVF. Whereby her eggs (number varies according to production in the ovary) are extracted and her husband’s sperm is taken and fertilization takes place outside the body (tube). The embryos are then tested for genetic disorders and the defective ones are discarded. The best one or two are implanted in the uterus and the rest of the non defective ones are kept safely for future use. If they are not used within a stipulated period they are discarded.

Due to the above medical reasons, is it permissible for the woman to pursue IVF treatment?


Q: I've been diagnosed with various medical ailments over the pass few months and new ones have started. It's becoming too expensive for me to see different specialists... Is there an authentic amal or namaz which can relieve me of all my problems? I just don't seem to be getting better and it's frustrating.

Making an effort to ensure that one's baaligh son wakes up for Fajr

Q: I have a 16 year old son that cannot wake for Fajr every day. My wife says to me that’s it’s our responsibility to make sure he gets up. Is it really our duty to ensure that he wakes up for Fajr everyday?

In the past, when I would wake him up, he would say that he is getting up, but most of the time, he would not wake up. Sehri is also a problem, though eventually, he does wake up for sehri. My view is that since he is old enough, if he misses salaah, he will be sinful, not his parents.

Giving preference to performing salaah with jamaat in the Musjid

Q: I received a message wherein the following Hadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) was mentioned:

Hazrat Anas bin Maalik (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “If food is served and the Iqaamah for salaah is given, then start with the food.”

The question that I wish to ask is that if one is at home and partaking of meals or one is at a function (e.g. waleemah or a braai etc.) and the food is being served, and the jamaat salaah in the musjid is about to commence, then what should a person do? Should one give preference to partaking of the food or should one attend the jamaat salaah in the musjid, as we have understood from this hadith that one should give preference to the food?

Biomolecular isotherapy treatment

Q: I would like to know if biomolecular isotherapy is permissible. This therapy constitutes of removing blood from the body, spinning it, removing the plasma and taking it as medication orally. I have a severe case of psoriasis and I have tried different medication for a long time but has found no difference. This form of medication has been recently suggested to me.

Going from Taif to Musjid ul Haraam without performing umrah

Q: I am living in Taif for work purposes. I frequently go for Umrah from Taif, however sometimes I go to Musjid ul Haraam to perform salaah such as the Jumuah salaah.

I have recently been told that it is not permissible to go to Musjid ul Haraam just to perform salaah as respect of the Haram demands that we wear ihraam and perform Umrah before entering. Can you please clarify if it is permissible for me to go to Musjid ul Haraam just to perform salaah without performing Umrah?