
Q: I just came back from Umrah and I read istikarah there for marriage to a certain boy. I had a few dreams, please help me interpret them.

The first dream I had I was looking at wedding dresses while my brother was on the phone with the boy. They were laughing and happy. I can't remember what they were talking about.

Another dream I had was my mother was looking at the boys picture and was smiling and I got shy and turned away.

I also dreamt of the boy standing in Madina outside the haram wearing a black kurta.

Another dream was I walked into a room that was empty and completely white, in the dream I thought to myself is this a hospital ward or what? I stood at the door of this white room.

In Makkah I dreamt of the name of Allah Al Malik, it was written in Arabic and in black and I was looking at it.

Please help me as I am so confused. I don't want to make the wrong decision. Divorce has become such a norm and I don't want that to happen to me.

Dogs barking at night

Q: I just wanted to ask you that there are many street dogs near my house and they bark and cry a lot in the night. Is it dangerous or is it bad if dogs cry? If dogs cry in the night does it mean that someone is going to die? Please suggest me something because I am fed up and get scared in the night.

What dua should a cancer patient recite?


  1. A person I know is stressed due to his brother having cancer and keeps on worrying for him. He finds it hard to concentrate on his family and work. Is there any dua I could pass on to him so that he is less stressful and could concentrate on his family and work?
  2. The patient does not know that he has cancer as they haven't told him, is it ok if they keep it hidden from him?
  3. Please give me a dua for that cancer patient?