
Q: My cousin was having problems of not having a job. So he did zikr 300 time astagfar,7 times aayatul kursi, 7 surah fatiha. For 3 days my cousin did this wazifa then at night before fajar he saw a dream that there is a field and sand is full of fragrance and there is full white roses and he went to take a white rose from the roses at the back. A snake came out and he went back. Then again he went to another to take a white rose then again a black snake bit and he went and then he went to another rose where there are more colours of roses too and he took a white rose. This time there was no black snake. He had this dream before fajr.


Q: I saw a dream that I was standing beside the graveyard looking for my grave but the graveyard was full and my Hajj Muallim is telling me that there is no space for you in this group (Muslims) and he locked the section so I found open space outside this section but suddenly a non Muslim group came to bury their old mother (Mexican) next to my place where I am standing and I am telling them that do not bury her here because this is my mother's grave so they went away. My mother died very long time ago and her grave is in Pakistan. Could you please tell me about this?

Istinja after relieving oneself

Q: When I go to the toilet, I find it hard to wash my hands. I soap them then put them under the tap. Once all the soap is off I think the water on my wrist is impure still so I wash my arm from the elbow to finger tips and I keep doing that and still I have a feeling that my hands are impure even if I've urinated or past stool still I wash my hands like this and I use wet toilet paper 3 times instead of istinja.

Stem cells

Q: I would like to know whether stem cells are allowed in Islam. In this case I would be storing it for my heirs only. Furthermore I would like to know whether a medical aid scheme is allowed. The medical aid portion is only a hospital plan. No insurance. Please advise whether the above is allowed and if not please comment in detail why not.