Solution for masturbation
Q: I have a really bad habit of masturbation and I have tried so many different ways of stopping and I just can't. I am only 17 as well. Please help.
Q: I have a really bad habit of masturbation and I have tried so many different ways of stopping and I just can't. I am only 17 as well. Please help.
Q: I have learnt that as a precaution when a women has her periods, the area from the navel to the knee should be covered in front of the husband, so that he is not inclined sexually. Is it haraam if any area becomes exposed, or if the husband touches skin to skin any part of the area?
Q: Please advise me regarding how I should pay zakaat on retirement annuities and pension funds.
Q: I am listening to a lecture here at work and just determined or realised that there is a difference between zakaat, fitrah and sadaqah and I realised that I don't think I pay zakat? I feel so ashamed now as I was so ignorant to this and I would like to rectify this immediately. I tried to Google zakaat now but its a bit confusing. So if I may, can Mufti explain to me the difference between the 3 and how do I calculate zakaat and when I must pay it. Your guidance and assistance is greatly appreciated.
Q: Was iblees from among the angels or was from the jinn? Verse in surah baqarah says اللّه told the angels to bow down. All did but not Iblis. Something to that effect.
Q: Is it permissible for a woman to change her surname to that of her husband or can she keep her father's first name after marriage?
Q: I have received your email today and was referred to the following link I want to know for how long should I continue my wazifa?
Q: According to the book Halabi Kabir p. 480:
Is the invalidity of salaah lifted when a mistake that would invalidate the salaah, is re-read correctly?
Q: I was 11 and half weeks pregnant and started brownish spotting. I went to the gynae who couldn't find a heartbeat (they refer to it as a missed miscarriage as I had no symptoms of a miscarriage). Few hours later I had a heavy flow and the next morning went in for a d&c (scraping of the womb) please advise if this is istihaaza?
Q: I read your mail about eyebrows. I want to ask if a women lives at home and shapes her eyebrows only for husband, then is it allowed? Moreover when she goes out she makes hijaab and she does not shape her eyebrows for beauty.