Working in a business that sells traditional muti products

Q: At work, I'm one of the buyer's for the cash 'n carry. They sell these traditional muti products amongst many other cosmetics, sweets, household items. These traditional muti products like tokoloshe salts, oils, etc. have phrases such as "win the lotto", "bring back lost love", "go away evil", etc. on its packaging. Now I have to buy these products, price it, promote it and so on, amongst other items. I really feel uneasy about it as its wrong and impermissible to sell according to my weak understanding. I don't know how to approach the boss and inform him. And the more heartbreaking thing is that one of the biggest suppliers of these products is Muslim owned, and also many of our Muslim brothers have specialized shops selling these products. What should I do and is my earnings doubtful or haraam?

The rights of spouses

Q: Is this right that that husbands have no right to demand their wives to carry out household chores, including cooking, cleaning, or any other domestic work?

Is this right that a mother has no obligation to nurse or breastfeed her baby? Can she demand payment to breastfeed their own child from his father?