Bad dreams

Q: Its the second day I am having bad dreams. The first dream was a boy and girl were killed with a knife and they died. The second dream was a older boy getting shot in the head and he dies. Can you please tell me what these dreams mean? 

Breastfeeding while fasting

Q: I would be grateful if Mufti Saheb could advise me on what is best course of action with regards to my situation as follows:

Ramadhan is just around the corner. I have a 9 month old baby who is breastfeeding and two other children. The fasting days, will be very long, as I live in the UK. What should I do in this situation?

  1. Should I carry on breastfeeding while I observe the fasts?
  2. Or should I wean my baby off so then I may be able to fast bearing in mind that she's hardly one year old in age?
  3. Or do I continue breastfeeding but do not observe fast and make up the fasting days immediately after Ramadhan?
  4. Or should I teach her to drink from the bottle, drinking my milk, and observe the fasts?

Please advise accordingly.  Also, I am a Shafi'ee.

Not adopting the Shar'ee procedure to annul the nikaah

Q: I am from Karachi. When I was on duty my wife suddenly went back to her fathers house without my permission to hassan abdal dist attock and he forced me to give her divorce. When I refused, she went to court at hassan abdal and filed for a khula. She got khula from the court without giving back my 10 tola jewellery and she appeared in court and she took an oath that she has no jewellery. The judge gave her khula. Kindly tell me is the khula valid? She wants all her jahez saman back but she has all my jewellery and I have not signed any khula paper or given her any talaaq.

Cancelling a marriage proposal

Q: This is my friends problem:

I am engaged to a girl. Last week I saw her with her uncle (aunts husband) involved in sex and I also found that she has an affair with 2 other people. My family and the girls family don't know about her illegal relations. Right now I am still engaged to her. Tell me what to do? I can not break the engagement because her family is very powerful. They have money and position. I cannot tell this to anyone because it is difficult for anyone to believe. I don't have proof except that I saw them with my own eyes. Please guide me what to do. Should I marry her or tell me any dua or wazifa which will help me to expose there sin in front of every one. I can't refuse this marriage or run way.