National Savings and Investments Premium Bonds in the UK

Q: In the U.K., the Government runs the National Savings and Investments Premium Bonds and encourages citizens to purchase Premium Bonds. Instead of paying interest, monthly prize draws are held and cash prizes can be won. The scheme is backed by HM Treasury and one can be confident that all the money invested in Premium Bonds is 100% secure whether or not one wins a prize.  One can cash the Bonds at any time at get the money invested back. I would like to know whether it is permissible to purchase these Premium Bonds and can any cash prizes won be deemed halaal?

Getting involved in haraam during pregnancy

Q: I m worried for a friend of mine. She is pregnant. Last week I met her. I was looking at her new mobile suddenly I saw she save some porn movies on that mobile. I was shocked. When I asked her she said O I don't know and delete that. I came home she called me next day and said that yes she watched that but now she will not watch it again. I said ok but I want to ask that this act of watching such movies can effect her unborn child? If the child is born, what kind of person he/she will be? Guide me I am very worried for her.

Some questions relating to ghusal and Janaazah Salaah


  1. Is there anything mention like that: “To participate in a janazah where the mayyit is a loved one, a pious person or a neighbor is better than the Nafl prayer.”
  2. How is that if announcement of someone’s death is made in the loud speaker where azan is normally given?
  3. Please give me the reference of this hadice, that the kaaba is the qiblah for the living and the dead (something to this effect)?
  4. Can the camphor oil be used instead of the camphor powder to rub on the sajdah places of the mayyit?
  5. Is it Sunnah to make khilal of the mayyit’s fingers, feets , beard, ears, nape etc same as it is Sunnah for the livings?

Some questions relating to ghusal and burial


  1. Can we allow the non muslim to participate in the funeral rites of a muslim?
  2. Is it Mustahab to place a green twig on the graves?
  3. Is there permissibility to plant on the graves?
  4. A pregnant woman dies and it is not known whether the child in the womb is alive or not. What should be done in this case?
  5. Is the qamees of a male similar to the female? Is the hair of a female divided into two parts and place on the qamees?