Wearing a turban
Q: In the Ahaadith what are the virtues mentioned with regards to wearing a turban? Was it a perpetual Sunnah of Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)? Will a person get seventy times more reward if he performs salaah with a turban?
Q: In the Ahaadith what are the virtues mentioned with regards to wearing a turban? Was it a perpetual Sunnah of Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)? Will a person get seventy times more reward if he performs salaah with a turban?
Q: I visited a certain website, according to them hanafis can't pray behind Imams of the haramain if they don't take care of the masaail in wudu as hanafis do i.e they should do masah of head to more than quarter of the head, if they don't do we can't pray behind them. I think this is not good, at the time of Sahaba there would not have been such an issue as to not offer salah behind any specific sahabi. Please clarify.
Q: I would like to know who does amir and ulul amr refer to in Quran and Ahaadith? Does it refer to amirul mumineen? If yes, then in our time upon whom will the title amir fit? Or can it refer to the principal of a madrasah, the teacher of a class, the sheikh of a khanqah, the leader of a tabligh jamaat, the leader of a jihad campaign etc.?
Q: Can you please comment on the permissibility of the 'Bibi Fatima Kahani'?
Q: Is the sister of my grandfather mahram to me?
Q: What is ruling of eating food items in which we have some doubt whether it contains halaal ingredients or not like Maggi noodles, etc?
Q: Can a brother and a sister sleep in the same room?
Q: I have heard that a person who reveals his satr to another person, his salah will not be accepted for 40 years. Is it true?
Q: My father had been for Hajj over 10 years ago. At the time he had a very close friend who he had owed some money to. Before going for hajj, he went to his friend to pay off whatever money he owed him but his friend refused, saying go and enjoy your hajj, and being friends, he kept saying don't worry bout all of that now. So my dad went for his hajj, when he got back, a short time later, his friend past away in a car accident. My father is now older and is not working anymore due to his health , but because his friend never directly say don't pay me, its been worrying my father and so he decided to save up the money that he would have had to pay his friend and give it to his friend's son, who has no knowledge of this. After many months of saving, as he is now unemployed, he managed to save the money and was going to get the money sent to the son via a mutual friend within the week. Then within the weekend his house was burgled and the safe was stolen with the money in it. Does my father still have to save again and pay the money?