"There is no better man than Ali, and no sword better than Dhul-Faqaar"

Q: I need to know the status of this oft-quoted hadeeth: " There is no better man than `Ali, and no sword better than Dhul-Faqar"

“An angel called Radwan announced from the Heavens in (the Battle of) Badr ‘No sword other than Dhu Al-Faqar and no man better than `Ali.’”

Please provide references from traditional scholars in order to convince lay people.

Hadith regarding the temporary suspension of wahi

Q: I was told that it was stated in a certain shaykhs bayaan that during the period when wahi was stopped, Nabi (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) became despondent and wanted to commit suicide. According to my (ignorant) knowledge, I can never associate the mubarak countenance of Nabi (Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam) with that of someone wanting to take his own life. Please clarify as the possibility of me being incorrect is very likely.