Blowing in water

Q: Whenever I recite holy quran, I blow breath on drinking water, on my husband and children. I have noticed this whenever I do dum, in those days my husband become ill, restless, feeling body ache and his sleep become disturbed. When I stop reciting Quran, he is feeling good in those days. I don’t know why?

Travelling without a mahram

Q: Is it ok to let my wife accompanied by my three sons, the oldest age is 5 years old, to take taxi as transport to some places where it's quite far and there is a need to go there. The issue is because the driver is non mahram male and I can't accompany my wife because I'm working in the office in the daytime. She can use public buses but a little bit troublesome because she has to take care of the baby trolley and sometimes no seat available?

The book Shamsul maarif

Q: I saw a video on youtube when searching for info about the book ''shams ul maarif''. I think the person in the video claims that he is moving bottles with the help of the instructions from the book of shams ul maarif with a jinn? What do the ulama say about this book? I saw that there is a fatwa of Shaykh Ibn Jibrin about this book.