Some questions relating to maut and ghusal


  1. Is it permissible to let the non muslim to visit the one close to death or after his death?
  2. Is the law of those who is in janabat similar to the non muslim in approaching the mayyit before and after his death?
  3. Is it sunnat muakkada to make the whole body face the qibla in the qabr?
  4. Is it mustahab to use gloves while washing the body (besides the private parts)?
  5. Which parts of the woman’s body the itr is applied?
  6. Is it the hunoot that is put on the sajdah places of the mayyit?

Cursing Allah Ta'ala (Naudhubillah)

Q: I should not be saying this but it is bothering me. When something bad happens to me I lose my temper and say very very bad things about Allah Ta'ala like he is not merciful, he is cruel, and I also curse Allah (Naudhubillah). Do I become a Kafir on saying this? Are all my good deeds wasted by saying this? If I don't become a kafir, can I repent for these sayings?

Divorcing ones wife while under the influence of drugs

Q: I relapsed into drugs after years this past weekend, my wife which is 3 months pregnent with our second child and I had an argument about it, I was very angry at the time I said talaq 3 times at once over bbm while not in the right frame of mind. Is it still valid? We are both in deep regret I do not know where to turn. I did make a mistake taking the substance over the weekend and have already booked for a rehab. Due to the facts sent by msg, thrice at once, wife being pregnent, being under the influence these factors could perhaps make it null and void. 

I have had a response to the above stating it is valid.

I have forgotten to mention that my wife and I were separated previously and that I gave a single talaq straight after we had separated. We had only decided to reconcile after 10 months. I am unsure on this, did this mean we had to make nikah again if we got together after 10 months? Does this mean the few months we spent together was haraam and is the triple talaaq I gave void since we we're actualy not married again?