Hunting trophies

Q: Is it permissible to keep hunting trophies? (A hunting trophy is an item prepared from the body of a game animal killed by a hunter and kept as a souvenir of the successful hunting expedition. Often, the heads, skins or entire bodies are processed by a taxidermist, although sometimes other body parts such as teeth, tusks or horns are used as the trophies. Such trophies are often displayed in the hunter's home or office, and often in specially designed "trophy rooms," sometimes called "game rooms" or "gun rooms," in which the hunter's weaponry is displayed as well.

A permissible medical aid model

Q: If a medical aid model is proposed where one deals directly with the hospital and there is no middle man in between e.g. one pays a monthly fee and the hospital will now treat one whenever he gets sick, then will this be permissible? Can this be likened to an armed response alarm company where one pays a monthly fee to the security company to come out when there is an emergency?

Salaah with mazi on ones clothing

Q: Yesterday, when I went to toilet, I found stains of pre-cum (mazi) [I have this problem that often it comes out unintentionally). The stain was very small, probably smaller than a drop of water. Nevertheless, as I was in a hurry to join the Asr Salah in jamah, I forgot to change my underwear and even forgot to wash the stain. In this condition I prayer the Asr, Mugrib, Esha and todays Fajr Salah before recalling the incident. Now my question is should I repeat the four Salah prayed in the above mentioned condition or was my Salah valid. Can you also advise me on what to do for the problem of the mazi coming out.