Repeating the salaam because of doubt

Q: If one prays behind the imaam, and after the imaam has finished both taslims the congregation gives the taslim to both sides (this is the custom method in the masjid I am going thus I also follow this) If after the imaams both taslims, I do give taslim to the right side and then to the left side, but I do repeat the taslim to the left side (because of a doubt that I didn’t hear myself saying a small portion of the taslim). 

Did this break my salaat? Did I had to do sajdah sahw or what did I have to do? Is my salaat complete. I didn't repeat it, if I have to repeat it when must I repeat, is this after 5 salaat times are past away since the the order is waived and the salaats after the salaah which has to be repeated are then valid and no need to repeat those salaats also?

In such case is there a circumstance that the taslim to leftside is considered delayed and thus must be sajdah sahw? Or does it not so count since I did it because of a doubt ? In case that the first taslim I thought I had not heard a portion of it, was done correctly, does the addition of the repeating change anything, or is it not to be considered since I am then already out of salaah and nothing matters what I do say after the taslim to the leftside?

Does the deceased feel any pain if mishandled?

Q: I would like to know whether the deceased (dead body) still feels any sort of pain if mishandled - intentionally or accidentally. Externally it is seen that it has no soul, no ability to talk, see or express any feelings. Does it mean we can keep the dead body into a freezer (for 1, 2 or even 3 days) so that the relatives (specially sons/daughters, spouse) can arrive from a foreign/distant land to have the last view of the deceased? What is the Shariah Rulings regarding this? Whoever are in charge of all those activities like keeping the dead body into a freezer, delaying the Janaza and burial - will they be regarded as the Sinners and accountable in the eyes of Allah?

Reciting aloud in silent salaahs

Q: If in a silent prayer, during recitation of Surah al Fatiha, how much of it is recited loudly would require sajdah sahw ? Is it correct that according to Abu Hanifa if 1 ayaat is recited loudly it will require sajdah sahw, but according to Imamayn it is 3 ayaat? If one recites ''ihdina's'' and ''liiiin'' loudly in salaah would this require sajdah sahw ? Also in the first two rakaats when Surah Fatiha and a additional surah are to be read, upto to how many recitation of it may be reacited loudly before sajdah sahw becomes due ?

Believing that a certain person will be able to give shifa

Q: I would like to know if it allowed to go for Shifaa in Cape Town from a sheikh that is living in Mauritius? My sister belongs to a Jaama that makes thikr and gives food. This sheikh gives shifaa and they wear a green cloth over them while thikr is being performed.She puts pictures of this sheikh on her blackberry and he have very long hair.The sheikh said that angels are in your hair if it is long so she grew her hair and says that should she have a son she will grow his hair long also.

They have been "called" to Mauritius to visit the sheikh and they go but they do not want to go to Makkah and perform their Hajj now. They receive colors of clothes for the higher there spirituality goes. They say everyone should join and ask for anything and the sheikh will ask Allah. We as muslims can ask Allah directly so should we need to go through a sheikh in Mauritius? I believe that thikr is part of the quraan and you are making Allah higher but is this all allowed in Islam to almost like worship this sheikh?

ثلاثون كذابون قبل يوم القيامة

س: كثر في زماننا أشد الإكثار - الناس الذين يقرون عن أنفسهم أنهم من الأنبياء، و يخرج من بعضهم الإستدراجات (و أكثرهم يرغبون بذلك المصالح الإقتصادية). أنا شخصيا رأيت في التلفاز الرجل الذي قال عن نفسه - أنه الرسول عيسى (ظهوره الثاني)؛ والناس الذين يقولون عن أنفسهم - أنهم الظهور الثاني للنبي عيسى - في زماننا كثير جدا (خاصة في الديار النصرانية). أظن أن ذلك من علامات تقريب يوم القيامة. هل هناك أحاديث ثابتة تخبر عن ذلك (يعني عن إكثار الناس الذين يقولون عن أنفسهم انهم من الأنبياء - قبل يوم القيامة)؟