A certain Masjid committee invested in the Oasis company on behalf of the Masjid

Q: A certain Masjid committee invested in the Oasis company on behalf of the Masjid. At that time they had not known that it was Haraam. By the time the committee discovered that it was Haraam the investment had already accrued 100 000 rands profit. The question now is that what should be done with the profits gained? A certain Aalim says that since the money belongs to the community, the trustees of the Masjid will have to take them into consideration when getting rid of the money. Another Aalim says that the money is Waqf. Therefore, the trustees will have the independent right of spending the money wherever it may be appropriate without consulting the public. Which of the 2 opinions are correct?

With regards to where the money should be spent, the first Aalim says that it could be spent to build some toilets for the Masjid, etc.. The second Aalim says that there certain people in the community who are heavily involved in debt. Among them 2 are deserving of Zakaat and the third although he is not deserving of Zakaat but he is having difficulty in paying the debt. Therefore, this money should be spent in paying off these peoples debts. Which opinion should be taken?

I want a property to go to my daughter after my death

Q: I own a certain property. i have rented it out and i collect the rent from it every month, after my death, i want this house to go to my daughter,so what i did,i have decided that i have sold her the house for half a million rand and the rent that comes in every month, that is her way of paying me,and if i die before its paid, its maaf, i already transferred the property on her name?

Removing interest money from fixed deposit accounts using other halaal money

Q: I have acted in error and require your advice in the following matter:

As a result of the sale of mtn shares, I transferred monies from the share trading account into an Albaraka investment account which operates like a fixed deposit account. After a few weeks I realised that I had (due to my own error) actually transferred some interest monies as well. This investment account has been earning profits. The percentage of interest monies at the time amounts to 6.5%. Due to the fact the Albaraka account operates as a fixed deposit, I cannot access the monies immediately. Is it permissible for me to take out 6.5% of the entire investment account from other halaal sources and distribute this as interest monies. Will this make up for my grave error?

Medical Aid

Q: I have know that taking out a medical aid policy is impermissible. However, will a person who has a chronic illness and is always in and out of hospital be able to take out a medical aid policy due to the lack proper health care in the state hospitals? Similarly, i know of a hear patient who is supposed to be getting medication from the state, but due to the poor conditions at hospitals, at times he either gets his medication late or not at all. Will he be able to take out a medical aid policy in order to get his medication from a pharmacy due to the exorbitant costs of the medication?

Refund in foreign currency

Q: My supplier is refunding me my payment from malaysia after 3 years. I transferred 33510 us/dollars 3 years ago. I transferred around R260 000, which was 33510us/d. He is transferring bak to me 35000us/d [a little extra] but conversion to rands will be around R240 000. Does he have to transfer exact dollars bak or how does it work because i may leave us/dollars in account until i get a better rand rate? Please let me know the correct way.

Accepting the invitation of the debtor

Q: I have a friend, who borrowed some money from me a while back. He sits in a grocery shop, owned by another friend who is out for three chilla. I often go there and even sit with him in the shop and talk. From the beginning of our friendship we often entertain each other (with food). However after giving him the loan I was feeling reluctant to accept his invitation. I even expressed my cause of reluctance to him, to which he replied that he did not have any such intention prior to inviting me. Hearing this I accepted his invitation, keeping in mind our friendship that existed even before giving him the loan.

Recently I heard a lecture where Maulana Sulaiman Moola narrated a story (which more or less means) that Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) did not even take the shade of the tree of a person to whom he had loaned some money, cause he did not wanted to get any benefit from a person to whom he gave a loan.

(After hearing this) The next time that friend of mine invited me; I politely refused to accept it citing my reason. Now please enlighten me on what to do. Should I make a rough calculation of the amount that he might have spent to entertain me, and then when I take back the money should I take that amount less and what about my friends remark about his intention. Please let me know what can I do?

Lending money to an Islamic School on interest

Q: Zaid is willing to lend a Islamic School 50 thousand pounds for a year, on the condition that at the end of the year he gets his full money back, on top of that the School will have to pay him 400 pounds every month,so in total at the end of the year the School will be paying him 54 thousand and 800 pounds,(4 thousand 800 pounds extra) according to Shariah is this permissible,If not permissible could you please explain a Sharee method where the School may borrow money of Zaid and he may also benefit?