Status of Zakaat in Islaam
Q: Is zakaah waajib or fardh?
Q: Is zakaah waajib or fardh?
Q: If just by the company of one's husband or one's wife (without hugs and kisses) the partner gets wet, is the fast cancelled?
Q: Three partners (all Muslim A, B, C) start a used car business. All three invest an amount of R 450 000-00 each. Total therefore is R 1 350 000-00. All partners share equally in profits.
Q: I would like to know the correct method for paying Zakat on Gold. As far as I know we have to pay 2.5% of the total gold we own converted to the currency of the area you are living in.
Q: Please explain what is forbidden during the holy month of Ramadhaan between husband and wife?
Q: A man wished to donate a kidney to his son. He went to the hospital for a test and needed to drink a liquid to check if his kidney is compatible. Therefore, he broke his fast and drank the liquid. Does kaffarah become waajib on him or not?
Q: By saying “I am not fasting”, does it break my fast?
Q: If I transferred monies 3 years ago to a supplier overseas, and until now, the supplier has not sent me the goods nor has he returned my money up until now, do I have to pay zakaat on this money. The money is sitting with him 3 years and he might return the money within a month? Do I have to pay zakaat on this money which is not in my possession for 3 years now?
Q: 1. Does the payment of Zakaah have to be precise on the day its discharged? or can it be earlier or later? If so, how early or how late?
2. When is the best time to calculate and give Zakaah?
Q: 1. How does one calculate (cost, selling price) Zakaah on Stock for trade?