Ladies in the state of Haidh, Nifaas or Istihaadha Going to a Jamaat Khaana for Learning and Teaching
Q: Is it permissible for a group of ladies in a state of haidh, nifaas or istihaadha to a Jamaat Khaana for teaching and learning?
Q: Is it permissible for a group of ladies in a state of haidh, nifaas or istihaadha to a Jamaat Khaana for teaching and learning?
Q: Is mehndi for ladies a sunnah and these mehndi patterns in vogue are these permissible too?
Q: Can women give the Iqaamat before Salaah ?
Q: Are we allowed to pray Jumu'ah in a church hall, private hall, community hall, etc.?
Q: Due to medical reasons, the doctor has prescribed a cream that needs to be inserted into the vagina with a tube. Does ghusal become compulsory?
Q: If a person has cancer, is it correct for the doctor to address him in such a manner that indicates to him that he will soon die? Certain doctors feel that they need to tell the patient the hard reality, not realising the depressing effects on the family.
Q: Is it true that if a person does not take their father's name (female) even after marriage, they will be denied the fragrance of Jannah?
Q: Why can't women vist the graveyard?
Q: Ipad's and other tablets now come with the complete Qur'an installed in them. Is it permissible to touch it without wudhu when the Qur'an application is opened.
Q: Some people say you must perform forty Salaah in Madina Munawwarah. What is the status of this Salaah?