Divorcing a woman who consumes alcohol

Q: I married a lady who converted to Islam two years ago. Despite many discussions and arguments, she continues to consume alcohol which we both agreed was something she would not do. Everytime it’s saying sorry but it all recurs again. I am now of the view that I have to divorce her even though I understand the importance of introducing and keeping someone in Islam.

Playing Zepeto

Q: There's a game called Zepeto. It is a dress up game in which one's face is cartoonized. I gave this character my name and my face got cartoonized. While playing it, the game got stuck and a Christmas dress was highlighted so I thought that maybe one has to first wear this and then the game would progress so I kept clicking on it then found out it was some error. Is this imitating kuffaar? I had these thoughts in my head that its better not to play this game at all. Does this make one a kaafir?

Motivation to perform salaah

Q: I find it hard to motivate myself to do what is right for me and my religion.

Example, I wake up three consecutive days and pray tahajjud. After that I am unable to even wake up. The same applies to the five times Salaah and seeking knowledge. I become lazy and end up forfeiting all these acts of virtues for a long period of time. When I do end up starting again, I do it for another three days and leave it again. I wish to be consistent in Allah's obedience and worship.

Switching off the breathing machine

Q: My grandfather is currently laying in hospital. He needs to use the breathing machine just to keep him alive. The doctor told us that we need to make the choice to keep the breathing machine on him or remove it but he is dead without the breathing machine. He can't move or talk or anything anymore.

Will it be better to remove the breathing machine or should it be kept on him, possibly leading to more suffering?