Partners purchasing the share of a partner

Q: There are 3 partners in a business (2 active and 1 silent). The one active partner wishes to exit the business. The share will be paid off through the business over a period of time, not any external funds.

Will it be permissible for the 2 remaining partners to mutually agree that the share of the exiting partner will be purchased only by the active partner or is it compulsory for both partners to purchase this share equally?

Income of a person who uses pictures of animate objects in his presentations

Q: My father works in an office where his work is to maintain proper supply of electricity, making and maintaining electrical plants and supervising others who do the above works. Part of his job is to inform his seniors about new plans and progress of the plans. For this purpose he uses digital slides for presentations.

I noticed that the slides that he makes, he uses pictures of animate object. It could be a requirement from the office that he must use those. Sometimes others make these type of slides and he uses them. And sometimes he makes these slides and passes it to others. I want to know, does it make his income haraam?

Boy and girl considering each other as husband and wife without proposal and acceptance

Q: If a girl and boy considers each other as husband and wife without proposal and acceptance, will their nikaah be valid or not? I saw in one tv program, there was female advocate who said that it was the opinion of Imam Abu Hanifa that if a man points to a woman in a gathering in front of many people and says that she is my wife and she remains silent, it means that their nikaah is valid. So what is the correct opinion? Will the nikaah be valid or not if any one does like this? 

Difference between predictions based on the movement of clouds and predictions based on the movement of planets

Q: What is the difference between making a prediction based on the movement of the clouds versus a prediction based on the movement of planets?

For example, the weather man will analyze the clouds and their movements. He will say that there will be severe flooding in a certain area. People will understand that severe flooding in that area causes mudslides and damage to houses and death. Everyone accepts this upcoming natural disaster warning and it is not regarded as fortune telling or haraam.

On the other hand, the man acquainted with the planets will analyze their movements. He will say that, for example, the planet Venus is coming closer in orbit and the cold nature of Venus will have a cold effect in a certain area. He too will predict flooding or severe weather in a region. He too will conclude mudslides and damage and death. However, people will regard his analysis as fortune telling and haraam.

Whereas outwardly both parties analyzed natural phenomena of natural entities and made conclusions based on their experience and study. There is no invoking of devils or making an offering or doing a ritual with blood and najaasat.

Why is one permissible and the other astrology and haraam? Please can this be explained.