Qadha for performing Asr Salaah in the Shaafi time
Q: Does one have to make qadhaa for those Asr Salaahs that one performed in Shaafi time while in Makkah/Madina due to the azaan going at those times?
Q: Does one have to make qadhaa for those Asr Salaahs that one performed in Shaafi time while in Makkah/Madina due to the azaan going at those times?
Q: Is it permissible to touch Manzil without wudhu?
Q: Is the following correct:
If you think about committing a sin (like to watch a movie), but do not act upon it due to a barrier (e.g. WiFi goes off or you fell asleep) - you GET the sin because if it hadn’t been for that barrier you would have done it. But if you think about it, and do not act upon it due to your conscious or you feel bad to commit the act then you do NOT get the sin.
Q: I want to know the time of Tahajjud prayer. Fajar prayer time is 4:30 am and I usually used to offer Tahajjud at 3:30 am but I am confused if it's the right time or not.
Q: Unfortunately I am in the process of separating from my wife and she will be commencing Iddat soon.
She has decided to stay at her parents' home during her Iddat and her family have asked me to pay for her cost of living during this time, she has told me to decide on the figure I should pay to her after consulting with a scholar.
I have returned all of her clothes to her from our matrimonial home.
I understand that the usual responsibilities I should pay for her are shelter, food and clothing. (She will be spending the time at her parents' house, and has her clothing).
Please advise on what the monetary total I should be paying her is as I am unable to calculate an exact amount.
I am unsure if this has any bearing on the Mas'alah but for clarity, the decision to separate was made by my wife (although she did not ask for khula). She has been living at her parents' house since January and I have not seen her since. The decision to spend Iddat at her parents' home was also made by herself.
Q: Is opening a medical store business halaal in Islam?
Q: What is the correct pronunciation of durood? Is it sallallaho alaihi wasallam or salallahu alaihi wasallam? Is it o or u?
Q: Is it sunnah to have a cat in your house?
Q: Please advise on the following with regards to qasr salaat. I reside in the Phoenix area and go visit my in laws in Umzinto which is about 90km from Phoenix.
Phoenix is in the Ethekwini (Durban) municipality which extends from Tongaat in the north to Umkomaas in the South and to Camperdown in the West. Where do I count the boundary, from the town of Phoenix or from the Ethekwini municipal boundary? Umkomaas to Umzinto is about 20km but it is about 70km from Phoenix. Please advise.
Q: Can I offer my parents missed salaahs as they both have died (may Allah bless their souls and forgive them) or should I pay fidyah for their missed salaahs and fasts so that Allah almighty may forgive them for not being regular in their salaah and fasting.