Meaning of jealousy

Q: Is jealousy and envy the same sin... If jealousy is felt without the intention of harm, will it be considered as a sin because sometimes I feel jealous for loved ones who get attached to any other person and don't give time to me... Is this the same as envy or is it normal because I have no intention of harm?

Wasting food and helping people


1. Is it permissible to throw +/- 10 tons of wheat and rice in the middle of the sea from a boat as food for sea creatures, even though we know that a vast majority of humans are hungry. What does Islām say?

2. I heared a Hadith saying that a person has to fulfill the needs of other persons,

My question is that, how to avoid and discourage people from asking or does one have to fulfill their requirements?

Parents explaining to their son about puberty and related issues

Q: My son is about to be 11 years old. My husband and I have started to observe the signs of puberty in him. My husband has decided to give him a talk about the respective topic including sex. The concern is my husband states that the mother of the child must be present whenever this talk is to take place so that if a child has any query regarding the topic concerning the role of a female, a mother is the best source to provide an answer with basic guidelines. In Islam, is the presence of mother a must with respect to above situation?

Performing salaah a few degrees away from the qiblah

Q: I would like to confirm if the following is correct: 

1. Someone told me that when reading salaah, when facing the qibla, if you are a few degrees wrong then it is maaf.

2. If someone is reading salaah facing the wrong direction then you must turn them towards the right direction or tell them and they can turn to the right direction without breaking their salaah and their salaah will be accepted. 

Hurmat-e-musaaharah if one did not get an erection

Q: Does hurmat-e-musaaharah become established if a person does not get any movement/erection in his private part, but he is not sure if he gets any arousing feeling in his private part. He was also feeling scared and in his heart he had thoughts like he was feelimg lust however he did not get any erection/movement. He was scared that he will cause hurmat. He did not get any sexual thoughts (which may have triggered lust).

Holding a grudge against one's father

Q: I am a 36 year old divorced woman living at my parents' place. I have some past grudges and current complaints against my father, I consider him responsible for most of my misfortunes; but since he is my father, I need to be respectful, but the problem is I get out of my control as soon as I happen to see him or even worse, if he speaks to me or wants me to do something for him. All my distress comes back and my injuries get fresh again. This is why I try to avoid him but most of the time this is not possible since we are living in the same house, though I keep quiet in front of him, but as soon as he is gone, I start shouting, cring, beating myself and cursing him and using abusive language about him. I don't do this intentionally but it just happens and I cannot do anything about it. I am extremely stressed and emotionally disturbed due to this. It's happening for more than five years.

Kindly suggest some remedy.

Undergoing surgery to become impotent

Q: I am an unmarried male close to my thirties. My urges have become very extreme and sometimes out of control. My parents are not agreeing on getting me married. I am now very worried due to the fear that I might fall into the sinful act of zina due to my extreme urges. My question is that is it ok in Islam if I kill my sex drive permanently or become impotent by my own wish in order to avoid adultery?