Claiming from the UIF fund

Q: At work, during the lockdown, we were working on a rotational basis. Hence we never get paid for the days we never work. However, the company has put in a request from the UIF fund. Is it permissible for me to consume this money from the UIF, should the amount be more then my total contribution towards it?

Law of a ma'zoor during haidh


1. A girl who is a ma’zoor due to passing wind, when she gets her haidh, how will she decide whether she is still a ma’zoor. Will she see whether while she has her haidh she passed wind through each salaah time?

2. Please explain the law of how a person becomes a mazoor with an example.

3. What will a girl do if, while she thought that she was clean and not in a state of haidh, she passed wind for an entire salaah period so she considered herself as a ma’zoor but later on she found out that she was actually in the state of haidh. Will she be a ma’zoor?

Taking care of one's ill father

Q: My dad is now a coronavirus patient and lives in another city. Being a girl, am I allowed to travel to another city so that I can take care of him? I otherwise live with my mother in another city... they have separated thus they don't live with each other. Am I sinful for not being able to be near him at his time of needs?

Time limit for walimah

Q: Please advise whether there is a time limit when a walima needs to be held after a Nikaah.

My brother is making Nikaah and was advised that his Walima must be within 7 days. I live in a seperate house and cannot attend due to national lockdown regulations on movement. We expect regulations to be eased by the end of June, is it impermissible to wait until the end of June?

Amal-e-katheer in salaah

Q: Is it correct that if a person does an action that is not part of Salaah. e.g. scratching the body, etc. for more than 3 tasbeeh, the Salaah is broken?

If one performs Salaah behind someone who does this... Does he have to repeat his Salaah?

Grand parents doing aqeeqah for their grandchild


1. Should aqeeqah only be done by the child's father for it to be valid or can the child's grand parents do the aqeeqah if they want to out of love, even though the child's father can afford to do aqeeqah himself? Will the aqeeqah be valid in this case?

2. Will the grand parents have to take permission from the child's father if they want to do the aqeeqah? If they do it without his permission will the aqeeqah be valid or will the aqeeqah have to be done again by the father to be valid?

3. Suppose someone else, like any other relative, wants to do the aqeeqah, will they have to take permission from the child's father to do the aqeeqah?