Third party insurance

Q: A person wishes to take out third-party insurance. He claims that this form of insurance is permissible because the insurance company will not pay him anything in the event of an accident but will rather pay out the third party. Is third party insurance permissible?

Family Trusts

Q: I wish to form a family trust. What are the important aspects that I should keep in mind when forming the trust?

Similarly, can you explain to me the shar’ee ruling in regard to forming a family trust and who will be regarded as the owners of the wealth included in the trust?

The laws pertaining to a person in the final stages of his life

Q: Could you explain to me the various masaa'il that pertain to a person in the last stages of his life? I have heard that the one who is in the last stages of his life cannot deal in his wealth freely. Therefore, I wish to find out that if a person in this state gifts something to a relative or a non-relative, will his gifting be valid? From which point will one regard a person to be in the final stages of his life?

Muslim woman marrying a non-Muslim

Q: I am a Muslim Sunni Sayyed woman coming from a religious background. Recently a Christian man has approached me. He says he wants to marry me. I also like him. He is ready for doing nikaah. I am a follower of Islam and don't want to compromise on Islam. Kindly guide me if it is haram to marry a Christian or can I marry him. My religion is a priority for me.