
Q: My sister's husband passed away. He had a house on mortgage which she sold and received some money after paying off the loan. He has one other property. Please advise how this share is done as he left behind his parents, a son and a wife. 

Reciting toilet duas when going to the bathroom to make wudhu

Q: I have a question regarding the duas which are recited before and after going to the bathroom ("Allahuma innee a'udhu bika minal khubuthi.." and "ghufranak, alhamdulillahilladhi adhaba 'anni..").

Should these duas be recited if my purpose for entering the bathroom is to do wudhu in the sink or to take a shower? Or is it only if I enter the bathroom for going to the toilet?

Mother leaving her wealth to her daughters before her death

Q: Could Mufti please provide clarity on the following: A widow has 4 daughters, 1 half brother and 1 half sister.

1. Can she draw up an agreement, while she is alive that once she dies, her wealth goes to her four daughters only?

2. Can she leave her money in the bank, give it to her daughter's, but use it in a case of an emergency and also collect the returns, but her daughter's will only have access to the money once she dies?

3. Does she have to actually give the money to the daughters now, and have no access or rights over it, if she wants to only give it to her daughter's?

4. If she leaves the money in the bank, how does the estate have to be divided once she dies?

5. If one of her daughter's die before her, can the children of that particular daughter still have their mothers share? If so how should it be done?