Profits from a bank account

Q: Please can you assist with the following questions?

1. I have a *hajj account* as well as a *cheque account* with Al Baraka bank. The amount grows as per the profits the bank makes. Is this acceptable according to shariat? Should I cancel all growth and just keep the amount as is?

2. I have opened up an account with FNB shariat compliant for my son. He was given a lot of gifts Alhamdulillah, therefore we have kept all his monetary wealth in an FNB shariat compliant account. The amount in the account will grow. Is this acceptable? Should I rather ask the bank to stop all growth and let the amount stay as is?

3. Do I have to pay zakaat considering the wealth in my hajj account also? 

Concealing one's marriage

Q: If a woman gets divorced, keeps it a secret, and then gets married again secretly. Her second marriage is done without her guardian but in the presence of two witnesses and it is not announced.

After some time, she reveals this secret only to her children. They keeps this secret for almost 8-9 years because the children are afraid and their parents constantly tell them to hide it. After those years of stress and frustration, their children reveal all this.

I have heard somewhere that hiding your marriage is actually commiting zina. I want to know if the couple is subjected to the hadd punishment and this includes her children too as they were hiding too all this time although they did not want to?

Zakaat on shares

Q: How do I pay zakaat on shares of my company in the JSE. Some are in property, some in merchandise stores like Shoprite, some in gas and oil. The shares are worth a lot but dividends are less.