Washing impure clothes
Q: If menstrual blood stains a black garment and we cannot see the stain at all, will it be pure if we wash it three times?
Q: If menstrual blood stains a black garment and we cannot see the stain at all, will it be pure if we wash it three times?
Q: I am from India but currently I am pursuing M.B.B.S in Dhaka where I live alone (without my family) in the girls hostel. This is my final year of M.B.B.S.
When I came to Dhaka I had no concept of deen, purdah , etc. and I was completely unaware about the fact that according to our Shari'ah, a girl is not supposed to stay so far without her mahram. Also I came across the fact that all my ibadat; be that namaaz, roza, duaa, any good deed , etc. is not valid while I stay in such conditions without any mahram. I am in need of advice, what should I do?
1. Should the meat stuck between the teeth be removed during ghusal?
2. Should the white layer around the edges of the nail that may be dead skin or something like that be removed during wudhu or ghusal?
Q: Please advise me on how to refrain from committing the sins whispered by Shaitaan into my heart? I am constantly getting the urge to shorten my beard and wear western clothings such as t-shirts, jeans, trousers, etc. The temptations I feel are strong and forceful.
Additionally sometimes these temptations depress me when people around me misbehave with me due to my attire being a long robe or a long thoub which is always above my ankle.
Please be advised that under my current employment conditions, I have to live beyond city limits where my shaikh resides and it is very difficult for me to communicate with him as he has become old and frail. Additionally I have a language barrier that I haven't been able to overcome as I was born and raised in an Arab nation and educated in a western system.
Q: After I finished wudu, I blew my nose and I saw blood in my mucus. I blew my nose a few times until there was no blood. Is my wudu fine?
Q: Someone wants to buy gold but does not have enough funds and decides to give some amount to the seller and book the gold at the price of the day of booking to prevent paying more by the time he gets more funds. In this case, the gold price may go up or down on the day he will actually give the remainig amount and takes the gold.
Is this a permissible situation or one needs to do the whole deal of paying money and taking gold in the same sitting?
Q: How do you share food for your wives when one's children are more than the others. For example, if the first wife has 4 children and the second wife has 8 children and the third has 6 children; is sharing the same quantity for them justice?
Q: I heard somewhere that all schools of thought are permissible to follow in Islam as long as you only follow one. For example, if I choose to follow Hanafi, I have to follow all of their rulings regardless of what the other schools of thought say. I just wanted to confirm if this is true.
Also, if Hanafis permit something that other schools of thought prohibit, would it be okay for me to ignore the others, or should I avoid it as a precaution?
Q: If you have a internal scan done, do you have to take ghusl?
Q: I have a job opportunity as an IT contractor in a bank. I will be maintaining their computers and machines but I will not be working for the bank (they will not pay my salary). I will be paid by a company between the bank and I.
I wanted to know if it is Islamically permissible to work if the salary paid is not directly from the bank.