Trustees selling a flat that was purchased for Imaam's accommodation

Q: The trustees of a Musallaa (Jamaat Khana) purchased a flat as the Imaam's accommodation. The Imaam no longer wants to use the flat and has decided to arrange his own accommodation. The trustees would like to let the Muazzin use the flat as his accommodation. However, according to the building rules no more than 3 persons may live in the flat, whereas the Muazzin has a family of 5.

Can the trustees sell the flat and use the money to purchase an alternate flat as accommodation for the muazzin? (The flat is a share block.) 

Placing items of a pious person or a piece of the Ka'bah cloth in one's kafan

Q: Some people, including pious people have some clothing of their pious elders (Buzrugs) placed in their kafan when they pass away for blessings or have themselves shrouded with the white cloth which is on the Kabah for blessings, is there any proof of this from the teachings of Nabi Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam), the Sahaabah, etc. and is it permissible or bidah?

In the above situation, the clothing of the pious elders which is put in the kafan of the deceased for blessings, does it benefit the deceased in any way and is there any proof of this?

Calculating days of haidh

Q: According to discretion, when my haiz started it was on 19 march 2010 for 9 days, but I dont know the number of tuhr days exactly. According to descretion 19 or 20 days.

1. How many days should I take as tuhr?

2. I get bleeding for 3-4 days every month now and keep on getting green discharge after every 3 or 4 days, throughout the month. Which days should I count as haidh?